We know that finding neuroaffirming and culturally responsive services can be very difficult. In response to this, Pola Practice is offering culturally responsive comprehensive screening service designed to assist adults who suspect they may have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in gaining clarity and guidance.

Our screening process combines psychometric assessment, clinical interview, and personalized screening report to provide valuable insights into individual strengths and challenges related to ADHD and ASD.

Pola is currently closed for new referrals for Adulthood ADHD and Autism Screenings.

Frequently asked questions

    1. Psychometric Assessment: Administration of standardized assessment tools to evaluate ADHD and/or ASD symptoms.

    2. Clinical Interview: A thorough interview conducted by experienced and culturally responsive clinicians to gather detailed information about developmental history, current symptoms, and functional impairment.

    3. Personalized Screening Report: A comprehensive report summarizing assessment findings, interpretation of results, and recommendations for further evaluation or intervention.

    4. Referral Pack for Further Assessment: A customized referral pack provided to individuals who undergo the screening and may benefit from further assessment.

    • Screenings play a crucial role in promoting early identification

    • Greater mobility in accessing support and resources

    • Pathway for formal diagnosis

    • Validation of experiences

    • Allows for personalized intervention

    • Reduces stigma and misdiagnosis

    • Leads to improved outcomes and quality of life

  • $300